Sheboygan Chapter
Est. 1990
As presented at the January 9th, 2016 SHC meeting, below please find information on the
Sheboygan HOG Chapter Seniority Award program:
(NEW Design will be Presented at the Jan. 9th, 2021 Meeting)
These great looking Sheboygan HOG Chapter patches with significant meaning will be awarded to members who have unbroken consecutive years of membership and are in good standing with the chapter.
The "Seniority Award” is broken up into 5 year achievement* increments:
SHC Patch with a Rocker Patch - 1 year
Half size Black Rocker Patch - 5 to 20 year
Full size Gold Rocker Patch - 25 year
Half size Black Rocker Patch - 30 to 45 years
Full size Gold Rocker Patch - 50+ years
*Achievement: Become engaged in the chapter and support its activities. Obtain a SHC ID Card, collect twelve initials to earn your year 1 starter patch set, then collect twelve more initials every following year to earn your way to the other patches. Initials are earned by volunteering at events, attending Chapter meetings, writing articles, leading rides, being a Chapter Officer, teaching a class, etc. Initials can be obtained from and are provided by the Executive Board, Activities Officer or their designee.
Example of card front and back:
NOTE: Seniority Patches are delivered to membership once a year at the winter party.
Chapter members are highly encouraged to attend so the patches may be presented in person.
Should you lose your patches, they can be replaced for a small fee.
You will need to contact the Activities Officer or Membership Officer.